C3 Construction.

As part of a wider brand overhaul, C3 Construction trusted us to design and build their new website.
We site mapped, designed and built a Wordpress site with a custom content management system tailor-made for their needs.
Designed to put beautiful photography and videography of their work at the front, and minimise any distractions or superfluous details.
Our mobile-first approach
As with any new website, we take the approach that the majority of users will be holding it in their hand, and viewing it in a portrait layout.
This isn’t a hunch, we looked at C3 Construction’s analytic data and saw more than 70% of users were on mobile devices.
This approach shapes our design thinking from the start of most website builds.
One of the challenges with C3’s website was that it used auto-play video banners throughout, which can create a larger page load than normal. So we built the site to recognise a mobile connection and use static imagery banners in their place.